root@'s password:
Last login: Mon Oct 25 05:29:35 2021 from
O @ @ Issabel is a product meant to be configured through a web browser.
@ @ O Any changes made from within the command line may corrupt the system
@ O O configuration and produce unexpected behavior; in addition, changes
O made to system files through here may be lost when doing an update.
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Your opportunity to give back:
System load: 0.01 (1min) 0.08 (5min) 0.08 (15min) Uptime: 9 days
Asterisk: Asterisk 16.7.0 Active Calls: 0
Memory: [===>---------------------------------------------] 8% 427/5225M
Usage on /: [=>-----------------------------------------------] 3% 3.5/142G
Swap usage: 0.0%
SSH logins: 1 open sessions
Processes: 134 total, 91 yours
[root@issabel ~]# strisk -rvvv
-bash: strisk: command not found
[root@issabel ~]# astrisk -rvvv
-bash: astrisk: command not found
[root@issabel ~]# asterisk -rvvv
Asterisk 16.7.0, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2018, Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for detail s.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
Connected to Asterisk 16.7.0 currently running on issabel (pid = 2585)
issabel*CLI> asterisk -rvvv
No such command 'asterisk -rvvv' (type 'core show help asterisk -rvvv' for other possible commands)
== Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Executing [44386440@from-internal:1] Macro("SIP/110-000009be", "user-call erid,LIMIT,EXTERNAL,") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:1] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "TOUCH_MONITO R=1635947044.18832") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:2] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "AMPUSER=110" ) in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:3] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?report" ) in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:4] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?Set(REA LCALLERIDNUM=110)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:5] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "AMPUSER=110" ) in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:6] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?limit") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:7] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "AMPUSERCIDNA ME=110") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:8] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?report" ) in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:9] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "AMPUSERCID=1 10") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:10] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "DIAL_OPTI ONS=tr") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:11] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CALLERID(al l)="110" <110>") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:12] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?limit" ) in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:13] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?Set(GR OUP(concurrency_limit)=110)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:14] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Set(CH ANNEL(language)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:15] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?contin ue") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,28)
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:28] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CALLERID(nu mber)=110") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:29] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CALLERID(na me)=110") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:30] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CDR(cnum)=1 10") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:31] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CDR(cnam)=1 10") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:32] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CHANNEL(lan guage)=pr") in new stack
-- Executing [44386440@from-internal:2] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "MOHCLASS=de fault") in new stack
-- Executing [44386440@from-internal:3] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "_NODEST=") in new stack
-- Executing [44386440@from-internal:4] Gosub("SIP/110-000009be", "sub-recor d-check,s,1(out,44386440,)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:1] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "REC_POLICY_MODE _SAVE=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:2] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?check") in new stack
-- Goto (sub-record-check,s,7)
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:7] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "MON_FMT=wav") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:8] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?next") in new stack
-- Goto (sub-record-check,s,11)
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:11] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Return()" ) in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:12] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Set(REC POLICY_MODE=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:13] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?out,1") i n new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:14] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "REC_STATUS=I NITIALIZED") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:15] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "NOW=1635947044 ") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:16] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "DAY=03") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:17] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "MONTH=11") i n new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:18] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "YEAR=2021") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:19] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "TIMESTR=2021 1103-094404") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:20] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "FROMEXTEN=11 0") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:21] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CALLFILENAME =out-44386440-110-20211103-094404-1635947044.18832") in new stack
-- Executing [s@sub-record-check:22] Goto("SIP/110-000009be", "out,1") in ne w stack
-- Goto (sub-record-check,out,1)
-- Executing [out@sub-record-check:1] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?Set(RE C_POLICY_MODE=always)") in new stack
-- Executing [out@sub-record-check:2] GosubIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?record, 1(exten,44386440,110)") in new stack
-- Executing [record@sub-record-check:1] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "AUDIOHOOK INHERIT(MixMonitor)=yes") in new stack
[2021-11-03 09:44:04] ERROR[14529][C-000004d2]: pbx_functions.c:699 ast_func_wri te: Function AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT not registered
-- Executing [record@sub-record-check:2] MixMonitor("SIP/110-000009be", "202 1/11/03/out-44386440-110-20211103-094404-1635947044.18832.wav,,") in new stack
-- Executing [record@sub-record-check:3] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "REC_STAT US=RECORDING") in new stack
-- Executing [record@sub-record-check:4] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CDR(record ingfile)=out-44386440-110-20211103-094404-1635947044.18832.wav") in new stack
-- Executing [record@sub-record-check:5] Return("SIP/110-000009be", "") in n ew stack
-- Executing [out@sub-record-check:3] Return("SIP/110-000009be", "") in new stack
-- Executing [44386440@from-internal:5] Macro("SIP/110-000009be", "dialout-t runk,2,44386440,,off") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:1] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "DIAL_TRUNK=2 ") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:2] GosubIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?sub-pi ncheck,s,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:3] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?disable trunk,1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:4] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "DIAL_NUMBER= 44386440") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:5] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "DIAL_TRUNK_O PTIONS=tr") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:6] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "OUTBOUND_GRO UP=OUT_2") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:7] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?nomax") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-dialout-trunk,s,9)
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:9] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?skipout cid") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:10] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "DIAL_TRUNK_ OPTIONS=T") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:11] Macro("SIP/110-000009be", "outbound- callerid,2") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:1] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Set (CALLERPRES()=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:2] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Set (REALCALLERIDNUM=110)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:3] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?nor mcid") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,6)
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:6] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "USEROUTC ID=") in new stack
== Begin MixMonitor Recording SIP/110-000009be
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:7] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "EMERGENC YCID=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:8] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "TRUNKOUT CID=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:9] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?tru nkcid") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,14)
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:14] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Se t(CALLERID(all)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:15] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Se t(CALLERID(all)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:16] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Se t(CALLERID(all)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:17] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Se t(CALLERPRES()=prohib_passed_screen)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:18] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CDR(out bound_cnum)=110") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:19] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "CDR(out bound_cnam)=110") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:12] GosubIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?sub-f lp-2,s,1()") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:13] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "OUTNUM=4438 6440") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:14] Set("SIP/110-000009be", "custom=SIP/ 87700041") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:15] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Set(DI AL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=M(setmusicdefault)T)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:16] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?Set(DI AL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=TM(confirm))") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:17] Macro("SIP/110-000009be", "dialout-t runk-predial-hook,") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook:1] MacroExit("SIP/110-00000 9be", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:18] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?bypass ,1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:19] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?Set(CO NNECTEDLINE(num,i)=44386440)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:20] ExecIf("SIP/110-000009be", "1?Set(CO NNECTEDLINE(name,i)=CID:110)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:21] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?custom trunk") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:22] Dial("SIP/110-000009be", "SIP/877000 41/44386440,300,T") in new stack
== Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/87700041/44386440
-- SIP/87700041-000009bf redirecting info has changed, passing it to SIP/110 -000009be
-- SIP/87700041-000009bf is busy
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:23] NoOp("SIP/110-000009be", "Dial faile d for some reason with DIALSTATUS = BUSY and HANGUPCAUSE = 19") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:24] GotoIf("SIP/110-000009be", "0?contin ue,1:s-BUSY,1") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-dialout-trunk,s-BUSY,1)
-- Executing [s-BUSY@macro-dialout-trunk:1] NoOp("SIP/110-000009be", "Dial f ailed due to trunk reporting BUSY - giving up") in new stack
-- Executing [s-BUSY@macro-dialout-trunk:2] PlayTones("SIP/110-000009be", "b usy") in new stack
-- Executing [s-BUSY@macro-dialout-trunk:3] Busy("SIP/110-000009be", "20") i n new stack
== Spawn extension (macro-dialout-trunk, s-BUSY, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/11 0-000009be' in macro 'dialout-trunk'
== Spawn extension (from-internal, 44386440, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/110-00 0009be'
-- Executing [h@from-internal:1] Hangup("SIP/110-000009be", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (from-internal, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/110-000009be'
== MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)
== End MixMonitor Recording SIP/110-000009be